How to get involved in our Blueprint for a Better Region

Traffic. Expensive housing. Dangerous streets for walking and bicycling. Disappearing farms and forests. It’s all interconnected. 

Webinar: Blueprint for a Better Region

At our Livable Communities Leadership Awards in May, we launched the video premiere for our Blueprint for a Better Region. On June 25th, we went deeper with slides showing how better land use, housing, and transportation policies can address our region’s interconnected challenges. 

Other ways you can get involved

Take the pledge!

Take our pledge to be a smart growth champion, support CSG’s local and regional advocacy for sustainable, inclusive communities, and help us spread the word about our Blueprint for a Better Region.

Watch the video!

Our Blueprint video is a great explainer on how housing, land use, and transportation are all interconnected and what we can do to champion a more sustainable, equitable, and vibrant D.C. region.