TAKE ACTION: Speak up for smarter parking policies in the county

Fairfax County is looking to reduce its minimum parking requirements to better address other community needs like housing, better transit, biking and walking, and environmental sustainability. We need you to speak up in support of smarter parking policies in Fairfax! 

There are 2 ways to show your support for parking reforms:

  1. Send an email today to the Planning Commission, and
  2.  Sign up to speak at the Planning Commission public hearing on July 26 at 7:30pm

Take Action!

Excessive parking requirements limits the amount of housing that is built, especially affordable housing, paves over green space, makes it less safe to bike and walk, and encourages more driving and climate emissions. 

Reducing parking requirements near transit, like Parking Reimagined proposes, helps lower the cost of construction and can make way for more affordable homes in walkable communities close to transit. This improves equitable access to jobs and opportunities, and provides significant environmental and health benefits for everyone. 

Parking Reimagined seeks to simplify the parking ordinance and proposes moderate parking reductions countywide, with the greatest reductions closest to transit. It will also establish for the first time minimum requirements for bike parking and safer pedestrian access through parking lots.

Support Parking Reimagined

Let’s help make it happen! Send the Planning Commission an email today and then join us to speak at the public hearing on July 26 at 7:30pm. If you can’t testify in person, you can do it via phone (they call you when it’s your turn) or by submitting a YouTube video by 9am the previous day. Sign up to speak here

Thanks for all you!