Latest Happenings
Joint Statement: Chevy Chase DC rezoning proposal supports a more inclusive and vibrant community (DC)
Ward3Vision, WIN Ward 3 Congregations Affordable Housing Work Group, and Coalition for Smarter Growth urge adoption of the proposed zoning changes to Chevy Chase’s main street as the critical next step toward achieving a more inclusive and vibrant community.
Testimony: Department of Housing and Community Development and Housing Production Trust Fund budget
In a challenging budget year, we ask the Committee to maintain its commitment to funding affordable housing production, preservation and essential eviction prevention. Specifically, we request the following.
Tips for testifying in support of an inclusive neighborhood
This is your guide to testifying virtually at the DC Zoning Commission for: Case No. 23-02: Chevy Chase Neighborhood Mixed Use Zones on April 29, 2024 at 4pm How to sign up to testify: In order to testify at the hearing, you MUST sign up to testify at least 24
Understanding the New Mixed-Use Zoning for Chevy Chase DC
These zoning changes fulfill the guidance of the Comprehensive Plan, Chevy Chase Small Area Plan, and the Housing Equity Report which call for increased affordable housing opportunities in Chevy Chase. Currently, Ward 3 has less than 1% of D.C.’s dedicated affordable housing. The zoning changes are also intended to support moderate density mixed use development that creates an active, pedestrian-oriented commercial corridor with a convenient mix of neighborhood serving shops and services.
Testimony: Low Income Housing Tax Credits – bond cap crisis must be addressed
We should all be alarmed that little to no new rental housing projects are being financed as of August 2023 - for an indefinite period. In August, DHCD (not HFA) announced that the District hit the federal ceiling on private-activity bond issuance, known as the “bond cap” which effectively limits the allocation of 4% Low Income Tax Credits (LIHTC). This shocking announcement brought numerous shovel-ready affordable housing projects to a sudden, abrupt halt.