Affordable Housing in Maryland

Latest Happenings

Take Action: Sign up to testify for attainable housing!

On March 21, the Planning Board will hold a public listening session on the Attainable Housing Strategies Initiative. This is the next step in implementing the Thrive 2050 General Plan and expanding the range of housing types available in Montgomery County. The initiative makes recommendations for zoning changes to allow “missing middle” housing types like duplexes and triplexes in more parts of the county.

Testimony: Takoma Park Minor Master Plan Amendment (Support)

We support the draft Takoma Park Minor Master Plan Amendment, which outlines a vision for an inclusive, environmentally resilient, and vibrant community with improved access to parks and amenities and an abundance of housing that supports the continued affordability and unique diversity of this plan area.

Testimony: Eliminating parking requirements near transit (Montgomery County, Support)

Eliminating mandatory parking minimums in locations with great access to transit is a common-sense fix. It aligns our parking policies with the goals of the Thrive 2050 General Plan, and will create more affordable housing opportunities and provide more options for sustainable living.

Take Action: Support affordable housing, retail, parks, and more in Takoma Park

The Takoma Park Minor Master Plan Amendment includes the former site of the Washington Adventist Hospital and a portion of Maple Avenue. The plan will support a walkable, well-connected community with improved access to parks and the potential for new retail and amenities. 

CSG testimony to Prince George’s House Delegation for 2024 session

Overall, CSG urges the delegation to act through legislation, administrative oversight, and budget oversight to prioritize transit, and redirect highway capacity expansion projects to sustainable multimodal transportation solutions. We also urge support for Rental Housing Works to ensure Prince George’s has the resources it needs for its robust affordable housing program.