Take Action: Creating transportation options to reduce climate pollution, save money, and improve health for Marylanders 

We have an opportunity to ensure that Maryland’s transportation investments support its climate goals while giving residents and workers more sustainable options to get to jobs and other destinations – the Transportation and Climate Alignment Act (TCA). This legislation is being considered right now in the Maryland General Assembly, and your legislators need to hear from you!  

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The TCA (HB 836/SB 681) would require that proposed highway projects be consistent with state greenhouse gas reduction targets and provide affordable, safer, and more sustainable transportation options to offset any increases in traffic and emissions. 

Contact your state delegates and senator today to let them know that you support this common-sense approach. 

Take action

Transportation continues to be the largest source of climate pollution in the state. Maryland is at risk from sea level rise, flooding, heat, and forest fires – the state can’t afford expensive projects that increase climate pollution. 

The TCA requires the Maryland Department of Transportation to assess major highway projects and fix any negative climate impacts. If needed, projects that move forward would incorporate measures such as improving and expanding public transit, bike infrastructure, and broadband access, as well as locating jobs and amenities near where people live and near transit. Learn more here.