Category: Stopping Sprawl & Highway Projects

TAKE ACTION: Prince George’s needs safer streets and better transit for livable communities

Maryland Department of Transportation will present its six-year transportation budget plan to Prince George’s officials this Thursday. The project list has some good projects, including the Purple Line, Metro, walk and bike safety, and support for transit-oriented development along the Blue Line Corridor. But also plans a lot of bad spending for road expansion that will fuel sprawling, traffic-generating development in the remaining rural areas of the county, and a continued failure to redesign existing roads to make them safer.

LTE: Opinion: NVTA regional transportation plan unaffordable and ineffective

Prior to midnight Monday, September 19 comment deadline, twelve non-profit organizations submitted a joint letter urging the Northern Virginia Transportation Authority to reject its proposed $76 Billion TransAction 2045 long-range transportation plan.


We urge you to review and consider the joint letter of 12 Northern Virginia organizations regarding TransAction 2045. These are not new concerns – we have pointed to the shortcomings for some time. We also urge you to reject this TransAction plan and create a new more effective, affordable and sustainable plan.

CSG Comments to VDOT/VDRPT on 495 Southside Express Lanes NEPA Study

The Coalition for Smarter Growth appreciates the efforts of the Virginia Department of Transportation
(VDOT) and the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (VDRPT) to improve mobility
within the I-495 corridor between Springfield and Maryland. However, to truly address the needs of the
study area communities on either side of the Woodrow Wilson bridge and the metropolitan region,
VDOT will need to take a broader and more holistic approach consistent with the National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).

RELEASE: CSG and Sierra Club Hail Historic Vote at the DC region’s Transportation Planning Board to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions

RELEASE: CSG and Sierra Club Hail Historic Vote at the DC region’s Transportation Planning Board to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions

TPB members, led by Maryland jurisdictions and DC, adopted a resolution to slash climate pollution from cars and trucks by 50% by 2030 and identified strategies to pursue towards that goal.