The Coalition for Smarter Growth supports the overall recommendations for a more walkable, transit-friendly, mixed-use and inclusive West End, with greater housing security and opportunities for families to live in its neighborhoods. We also appreciate the City’s thoughtful planning process that has emphasized proactive engagement for all communities to participate.
Category: Alexandria

We passed zoning reforms in Alexandria!
On Tuesday night, the Alexandria City Council voted unanimously to adopt the package of eight zoning reforms expected to boost the supply of new homes by 25%. The backing from residents like you and local groups was essential in showing broad support for the measures.
Testimony: Alexandria Zoning for Housing
We strongly support adoption of all eight Zoning for Housing proposals including the proposed zoning text amendments, housing master plan updates, and city policy updates. The city is to be credited for its extensive public engagement and the staff are to be credited for their detailed analysis of where the zoning code, plans and policies can be modified. In the end this is a modest package but one which will help to address the housing crisis.
TAKE ACTION: Support zoning reforms for housing options in Alexandria
The proposed zoning changes include making it easier to build in multifamily zones, allowing two-, three- or four-unit dwellings in single-family zones, expanding housing opportunities in transit-oriented development and eliminating minimum parking requirements near transit.
Press Release: ACPS award for School Bus Electrification Project
On Wednesday, the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments will present a Climate & Energy Leadership Award in the Educational Institution Sector to Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) for its Electric School Bus program. According to the COG agenda materials, ACPS will have 15 electric school buses, representing 12% of its fleet, and will be the second largest electric school bus fleet in Virginia and the third largest on the East Coast after Fairfax County, VA and Montgomery County, MD public schools.
TAKE ACTION: VDOT’s “495 Southside Study” is biased toward building more toll lanes. What happened to the promise of Metrorail?
Alexandria was promised future Metrorail across the Woodrow Wilson Bridge to connect Virginia and Maryland when the bridge was reconstructed 15 years ago. And WMATA is currently studying a Blue Line loop across the bridge. But, the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) is racing ahead with a biased study designed solely to extend High Occupancy Toll Lanes (aka “Express Lanes”) from Springfield across the bridge to MD210. The comment period ends on October 10!
CSG in the News: Zoning Proposal for Housing is Front and Center as Alexandria City Council Meets Tonight in Public Session
Bill Pugh lives in Alexandria and is senior policy fellow with Coalition for Smarter Growth. “Would you go so far as to say we have a housing crisis?,” Zebra asked Pugh in a phone interview two days after the community forum.
“Alexandria has a housing shortage like many jurisdictions,” said Pugh, “and it also has an affordability issue as well. Whether we call it a crisis or not, the data that was presented by the Urban Institute has clearly shown there’s not enough housing in the DC region on all income levels. And we see that in day-to-day examples. My kids attend ACPS schools and many of their teachers drive in from Prince William and Prince George’s counties because they can’t afford to live here.”
Testimony: Duke Street Transitway (Support)
We strongly support Concept A for center running dedicated bus lanes and Concept Y for safe, separated bicycle and pedestrian facilities, as well as the vision for full-corridor length center running dedicated bus lanes when redevelopment and funding permit.
TAKE ACTION: Ask Alexandria City Council to support Duke St bus lanes, safer walking & biking
The project Advisory Group, representing a diverse mix of corridor stakeholders, last month voted overwhelmingly to recommend dedicated center-running bus lanes and improved walking and biking facilities as the best option to improve Duke St for all users. Council needs to hear from you, that you support this recommendation for a safer and truly multimodal Duke Street.
TAKE ACTION: Fill out the Housing for All questionnaire by June 19th!
You can help support expanded housing opportunities in Alexandria by filling out the City’s questionnaire, open through June 19.