Fact Sheets and Reports

D.C. - Compilation of Inclusionary Zoning Regulations

D.C. – Compilation of Inclusionary Zoning Regulations

The following document represents a consolidated version of Title 11 DCMR Chapter 26 Inclusionary Zoning. The document has been compiled by the DC Office of Planning and does not represent official zoning text. This chapter established an Inclusionary Zoning Program that furthers the Housing Element of the Comprehensive Plan by increasing the amount and expanding the geographic distribution of adequate, affordable housing available to current and future residents.
Ensuring Housing Opportunities in Fairfax

Ensuring Housing Opportunities in Fairfax

We co-authored "Ensuring Housing Opportunities in Fairfax" using 2005 – 2007 local data on housing costs and income to assess who faces the greatest need for affordable housing in Fairfax County. The analysis was undertaken following criticism by local housing advocates, who decried that the county’s ‘One Penny’ local housing trust fund was used to help finance preservation of units allocated to households making as much as $100,000 per year.
1000 Friends of Maryland Report on the ICC

1000 Friends of Maryland Report on the ICC

This report by our partners at 1000 Friends of Maryland explores the financial, economic and regional development costs of building the Intercounty Connector.
NATIONAL - Center for Housing Policy's "Heavy Load" Report

NATIONAL – Center for Housing Policy’s “Heavy Load” Report

The Coalition for Smarter Growth prioritizes the production and preservation of affordable housing, especially with access to transportation choices and jobs, as one critical element of truly interconnected, sustainable communities.
D.C. - Homes for an Inclusive City

D.C. – Homes for an Inclusive City

The Coalition for Smarter Growth prioritizes the production and preservation of affordable housing, especially with access to transportation choices and jobs, as one critical element of truly interconnected, sustainable communities.