- Purple Line: We have long been supporters of the Purple Line: a proposed light-rail line which would circle and connect the region’s core communities near the Capital Beltway, linking the spokes of Metrorail. Learn more >>>
- Say No to Maglev: The proposed Baltimore-Washington Superconducting Magnetic Levitation (SCMAGLEV) project is the wrong technology and design for the Washington-Baltimore corridor and the NE Corridor as a whole. Instead, we should invest in both the Amtrak and commuter rail improvement programs. Learn more >>>
- I-495/I-270 Expansion: This expansion would harm parks, streams, neighborhoods, taxpayers, and drivers. Instead of investing in transit-oriented communities — especially in Prince George’s County — it condemns residents of the east side of our region to forever having more costly, long commutes. Learn more >>>
Latest Happenings

Take action! Contact your representatives to support the Maryland Housing for Jobs Act
Support the 2025 Housing for Jobs Act! Contact your State Delegates Contact your State Senator Maryland has a housing shortage that is making it harder for people to afford to live here and is holding back our economy per this state report. And even when people have managed to find
Testimony: Maryland Housing for Jobs Act (HB 503/SB 430) – Support
Location matters when we build new housing. The Housing for Jobs Act will help to produce more of the homes Maryland needs in strategic locations tied to our transit network, our environmental health, and our economic success.
Testimony: Maryland FY26 DHCD Capital Budget
The work of DHCD and affordable housing practitioners across the state is essential to meeting this need and building more inclusive, equitable communities where all people can afford to live. We ask you to support the full FY26 DHCD capital budget request.
Testimony: Maryland Single-Staircase Building Study (HB489)
Single-staircase buildings offer a potential solution to several of the housing challenges Maryland faces. Modern fire safety requirements and building materials make it possible to build single-staircase buildings safely, and this study will help us update our state’s housing policies to reflect these advances.
MD Testimony: HB38, School Zones and Adequate Public Facilities Ordinances
Providing sufficient housing that people can afford is essential to ensure that Maryland is providing opportunities for all to live and thrive in our communities. For this reason, we ask you to support HB 38.
HB 38 will provide information that will help Maryland better understand where education investments are most needed, and will prevent school capacity from becoming an indefinite barrier to needed housing production.