For Immediate Release
January 7, 2013
Cheryl Cort, Policy Director, Coalition for Smarter Growth
202. 675-0016 x 122 – office
202.251.7516 – mobile
Ann Dorough, Executive Director, AIAPotomacValley
301.935.5544 – office
PRINCE GEORGES CO., MD — A new set of case studies [PDF] highlights how important urban design, community connections, and transit access could ultimately be to the long-term success of a new Regional Medical Center in Prince George’s County. The hospital design examples are from leading national and international architectural firms, including AECOM, Cannon Designs, ZGF, and Smithgroup JJR.
Local organizations the American Institute of Architects (AIA) Potomac Valley, Coalition for Smarter Growth, and Envision Prince George’s Community Action Team for Transit-Oriented Development compiled the examples to illustrate the benefits that innovative urban planning, connectivity, and accessibility to transit resources would add to the healthcare and economic opportunity that the new medical center represents for the county.
“We offer these medical center design examples to inspire decision makers as they consider the proposed Regional Medical Center in Prince George’s. The case studies we’ve compiled show how cutting-edge urban design, strong community connections, a mixed-use context and great transit access are key components of leading healthcare facilities,” said Loreen Arnold, President Elect, AIA Potomac Valley.
The publication provides case studies of hospitals across the U.S. and abroad, ranging in size from several hundred to over 900 hospital beds on sites ranging from 1.5 to 48 acres. The proposed $600 million Regional Medical Center in Prince George’s County — planned by the state of Maryland, Prince George’s County, University of Maryland Medical System Corporation, University System of Maryland, and Dimensions Health Corporation — would be built to accommodate 278 – 350 hospital beds. Officials are thought to be looking for an estimated 80 – 120 acre site. Roughly 2000 personnel would work onsite. County officials have indicated that public discussion of the potential sites will take place in the next two months.
“These case studies demonstrate that a smaller footprint works. Better connections to the surrounding community, transit access and a mixed-use environment make for more successful medical centers. By better integrating into the surrounding community, an anchor institution like this can support a vibrant, walkable, thriving new hub,” said Cheryl Cort, Policy Director for the Coalition for Smarter Growth.
“The big question is whether the new medical center will actually take advantage of these great urban design ideas and Prince George’s best locations, like the vacant land around the Largo Town Center Metro station. Putting the medical center at a Metro station not only better connects staff and patients, it also jumpstarts transit-oriented development and could anchor a new, walkable health district for the county,” said Chester Williams, member of the Envision Prince George’s Community Action Team for Transit-Oriented Development.
AIA PotomacValley, Envision Prince George’s Community Action Team for Transit-Oriented Development and Coalition for Smarter Growth will continue to provide research, analysis and opportunities for thoughtful public discussion around the important question of how a Regional Medical Center can best benefit the county and offer the most competitive healthcare facility.
View and download full case studies >>
About AIA Potomac Valley
The American Institute of Architects (AIA) is the nation’s largest organization representing members of the architectural profession. Founded in 1955, the AIA Potomac Valley (AIAPV) chapter is based in College Park, Maryland. AIAPV serves the professional needs of 500+ members in Prince George’s, Montgomery, Charles, Frederick, Garrett, Washington and Allegany Counties. AIAPV is dedicated to serving architects, designers, contractors and related industry professionals by providing opportunities to advance their roles in society, providing a collective voice to help cultivate the future of the architectural profession, and fostering innovation and sustainability in design.
About the Coalition for Smarter Growth
The Coalition for Smarter Growth is the leading nonprofit organization addressing where and how the Washington region grows, partnering with communities in planning for the future, and offering solutions to the interconnected challenges of housing, transportation, energy and the environment. CSG ensures that transportation and development decisions accommodate growth while revitalizing communities, providing more housing and travel choices, and conserving our natural and historic areas.
About Envision Prince George’s Community Action Team for Transit-Oriented Development
The Community Action Team for Transit-Oriented Development formed out of the Envision Prince George’s initiative launched in 2009. Envision Prince George’s conducted an unprecedented civic engagement effort where thousands of people came together to create a countywide vision along with a framework for cooperative action. The Community Action Team for Transit-Oriented Development is dedicated to implementing the transit-oriented, mixed-use communities long term goal under the Sustain goal of the Envision Prince George’s Action Agenda.