Past Event Materials

Twinbrook: Placemaking in Progress

Twinbrook: Placemaking in Progress

The Twinbrook Metro Station opened in 1984 surrounded by 26 acres of parking lots for Metro commuters. Join us to learn how a walkable, mixed-use community is taking shape on the site of those surface parking lots. Tour speakers: David Levy, Chief of Long Range Planning and Redevelopment, City of Rockville
East Falls Church: Bridging I-66

East Falls Church: Bridging I-66

Divided by I-66 and split between two jurisdictions, East Falls Church is on the cusp of big changes. View new developments and learn about plans for a vibrant, walkable and cycling-friendly neighborhood. Event materials: Program (PDF) East Falls Church area plan (online) Pedestrian and cyclist count
Better DC Buses: What does it take?

Better DC Buses: What does it take?

New and innovative bus service has offered a better ride on DC buses, but many more improvements, like the 16th Street rush hour bus lanes, are still pending. Improving bus service is of vital importance to DC residents, since they rely more on riding the bus than on Metro. Traffic

Zoning Over Pizza

If you've signed up to speak in front of the Zoning Commission at the public hearings on the zoning update this November (we need more supporters to sign up!), this workshop is for you! Over snacks, we talked about what the Zoning Commissioners will be looking for when you speak, and what you can say to best show your support for the zoning update. We'll break into small groups and brainstorm what we can say.
Tenley: Top of the Town

Tenley: Top of the Town

On Saturday, September 28, over 50 participants took an early fall stroll through the Tenleytown commercial district with the Coalition for Smarter Growth and Ward3Vision to learn about the community's past, present and future.