CSG Remarks to NoVa Legislative Delegation in support of Metro Funding
Given the value of Metro to Virginia, and the staffing concerns that the GM just highlighted – we hold out hope for a level of funding that will avoid service cuts, while minimizing fare increases, and minimizing the – less-than-ideal – shifting of preventative maintenance funds to operating needs.
PRESENTATION: Advocacy Efforts to Make Arterials Safe for All Users
How do we make arterials safe for all users?
PRESENTATION: Creating Community Blvds & Avenues
We have the design and engineering tools to re-create arterials into dynamic streets that are safer and serve community uses like local businesses. We know that arterials make up a large share of serious crashes and deaths. But these conversions are rare. Why are they so rare? A new idea about how to change that.

EVENT: How traffic engineers can design streets for transit-oriented development
On June 1, 2022, RISE Prince George's and CSG hosted on online discussion with Randy Dittberner, PE, PTOE (formerly with Virginia Dept. of Transportation).

Winning Parking Campaigns in DC
Presentation to Railvolution 2021 on CSG's campaigns to win parking reforms in the zoning update and parking cash-out. Winning-Parking-Reform-Campaigns-DC_CSG_10-22-2021_LONGDownload