
Conservation Cafe Webinar

Click here to watch the Conservation Cafe webinar held with Audubon Naturalist Society featuring eco-advocates from Northern Virginia, including our Northern Virginia advocacy manager Sonya Breehey.

Environment Virginia Webinar Presentation

A presentation given for Environment Virginia's webinar Getting Virginia to Destination: Zero Carbon on the link between transit-oriented development and reducing carbon emissions in Virginia. Click here for the CSG presentation. Full webinar available for viewing here.

Smart Growth and Climate Presentation

2020.04.20 Presentation re smart growth + climate - Final

US 29 Bus Rapid Transit – Planning Board Briefing

US 29 Bus Rapid Transit - Planning Board Briefing
StreetsCamp 2015

StreetsCamp 2015

Advocacy knowledge + technical knowledge = power! StreetsCamp was a one day summit held on June 20th, 2015 to provide participants with the tools to make our streets better: safer for walking and bicycling, transit-friendly, and more. StreetsCamp includes both subject matter and advocacy skills workshops on everything from how