June 22, 2021 – CSG and Ward3Vision hosted an event to learn about the many tools we have to create and sustain lively places on the main streets of our community. We discussed why streets are important, what makes them comfortable, interesting, useful and inviting, and what models we might learn from. The event also helped the audience understand how affordable housing actually gets financed. The event also helped the audience understand the ‘software’ that helps make it all work.
Featured speakers:
- Matthew Bell FAIA (Principal, Perkins Eastman & Professor, University of Maryland School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation)
- Robert Peck (Gensler Architects)
- Erkin Ozberk (Neighborhood Planner for Wards 3 and 4, DC Office of Planning)
- Leigh Catherine Miles (Executive Director, Tenleytown Main Street)
Event materials
- View the event recording on youtube.
- Presentation slides: