Forum materials: Building walkable urban streets for great Prince George’s transit-oriented development

Creating mixed-use walkable places is the key to fostering high value transit-oriented development and thriving traditional town centers. Without streets designed to slow down traffic to reasonable speeds and create a comfortable walking environment, business districts and Metro stations will not thrive as places that people want to be. But Prince George’s, like many jurisdictions, has outdated street design rules that encourage high speeds and difficult crossings that discourage people from walking. Not only are these suburban road standards dangerous, especially for walkers and bicyclists, they are also bad for business. Join us for a special forum to discuss the opportunity for Prince George’s to change the rules, and create street designs that foster walkable, thriving urban business districts, transit-oriented development, and healthier lifestyles.


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Wed, June 24, 2015 6:30-8:30 pm
Forum discussion
Prince George’s Plaza Community Center
6600 Adelphi Road, Hyattsville, MD 20782

Deni Taveras, District 2 Council Member;
Dannielle Glaros, District 3 Council Member; and
Mary Lehman, District 1 Council Member, and Chair, Committee Chair, Transportation, Housing & Environment
Karina Ricks, Nelson/Nygaard Consulting Associates, an internationally recognized firm committed to developing transportation systems that promote vibrant, sustainable, and accessible communities [/toggle]