Safe Streets For Biking and Walking – Latest Happenings

Elrich Thinks Parts Of BRT Will Get Built In Next 4 Years

The Montgomery County Councilmember who is credited with first proposing a Bus Rapid Transit network for the county is optimistic parts of a BRT system will start being built in the next four years. Councilmember March Elrich (D-At large) also said he thinks ridership projections in the Master Plan for
Community stories show the shift to a walkable lifestyle

Community stories show the shift to a walkable lifestyle

38 percent. That's the growing percentage of District households that are car-free. Countless others are car-lite, relying mostly on transit, walking, and biking. Too often we lose sight of this fact in local debates on issues like parking, transit improvements, redevelopment, and so on.         Mouse over or click
dan csg

My walkable living story

Almost 4 in 10 DC households are car-free, and even more are car-light. That’s not because DC is full of car-hating zealots; it’s because life is simply more convenient that way, when the conditions are right. When 5 minutes of walking, along a pleasant and safe sidewalk, can get you to
Is Washington D.C. a Walkable and Bikeable City? These People Say It Is

Is Washington D.C. a Walkable and Bikeable City? These People Say It Is

Ginnie from the Walkable Living Stories campaign. What a way to kick off summer, with the Coalition for Smarter Growth launch today of Walkable Living Stories. The campaign shares the stories of dozens of Washington D.C. residents who have chosen a walkable lifestyle. When you get to the site, you find yourself clicking
Capital Bikeshare becoming an economic development tool

Capital Bikeshare becoming an economic development tool

Capital Bikeshare is doing more than moving people around on red bikes. It's also helping sell houses and apartments and draw people to businesses. The bike-sharing system, which has more than 175 docking stations across the District, Arlington and Alexandria, has become the latest tool to spur development and attract