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MD 214/Central Ave. safety workshop comments (Prince George’s)
RE: MD 214/Central Ave. 12/10/24 safety workshop comments TO: Mulowa K. Kajoba, Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA) Project Manager, FROM: Cheryl Cort, Policy Director, Coalition for Smarter Growth DATE: December 16, 2024 Dear Project Manager Kajoba: Thank you for holding a public input workshop regarding MD 214/Central Avenue. We
Comments: MD-410 PSAP draft plan (Maryland, Support)
Thank you for the opportunity to comment on these SHA concepts for MD 410. We greatly appreciate the efforts of MDOT and SHA to address safety and access for all users through the Pedestrian Safety Action Plan process and the Complete Streets Program. We wish to endorse the thoughtful comments submitted by Dan Behrend. Here are additional specific comments:
MDOT FY 25-FY 30 Consolidated Transportation Program (Prince George’s, Comments)
Overall, we want to commend the MDOT’s priorities in a difficult budget year. We applaud the state’s leadership on meeting the obligation for WMATA funding.

Event Materials: “Complete Streets” Policy Update (Prince George’s)
People walking to transit, stores, schools, and elsewhere are often at risk as they traverse wide, high-speed roads. With Prince George’s leading the region in traffic and pedestrian deaths, we’ve been asking how we can make roads safer for people walking or biking to their destinations.

Event materials: Walk Audit of Central Ave debrief (Prince George’s County)
Event materials from the debrief on the CSG/WABA/RISE Prince George's-organized Central High School community walk audit to examine the safety and access of this area with the Central High School community.