Safe Streets in Maryland

Latest Happenings

TAKE ACTION: Help Capitol Heights Metro station attract quality, transit-oriented development!

With your help, we can help Capitol Heights Metro station turn into a safer, more walkable, vibrant mix of housing and businesses with great places to catch the bus and Metro. 

Comments on MDOT Consolidated Transportation Program (CTP) Tour FY24-29, Prince George’s County

As a member of the statewide Transform Maryland Transportation Coalition (TMTC), we ask MDOT to flex 50% of the federal funds, as allowed by federal law, from the Surface Transportation Block Grant and National Highway Performance Program formulas towards needed investments in eligible transit, safer streets, bicycle, and pedestrian projects, and transit vehicle electrification.

TAKE ACTION: These two projects would put Prince George’s on the wrong road

We have two urgent actions we need you to take. Two massive road projects would undermine a sustainable and prosperous future for Prince George’s County.

We can’t save Downtown Largo by destroying it

Rethink the I-495/Medical Center Drive interchange project FACT SHEET CSG-Factsheet-Beltway_Medical-Center-Drive-at-Downtown-Largo-InterchangeDownload
CSG Testimony in Support of the Walkable Urban Streets Act

CSG Testimony in Support of the Walkable Urban Streets Act

September 8, 2023 Council Member Eric Olson Chair, Transportation, Infrastructure, Energy and Environment Committee (TIEE) Prince George’s County Council Wayne K. Curry Administration Bldg., 1301 McCormick Drive, 2nd Floor, Largo, MD 20774 Dear Chair Olson: Please accept this letter on behalf of the Coalition for Smarter Growth (CSG). CSG is