Stopping Sprawl and Highway Projects – Latest Happenings

TAKE ACTION: NVTA 6-Year Program

Tell the Northern Virginia Transit Authority: Fund Walkable Communities, Not Highways!

CSG Comments: May 2022 Visualize 2045

Our primary comments are contained in the joint letter with over 30 other organizations from across TPB’s region.

LETTER: May 2022 Visualize 2045 Sign-On

Yet the TPB board members made no substantive changes, and the

Background & Analysis on Visualize 2045 (April 2022)

Despite a new climate action plan by TPB’s parent agency the Council of Governments, this Visualize 2045 makes no real changes and fails to reduce emissions any more than the last one.
Nightime picture of a bus leaving the Rosslyn Metro Station in NOVA, with a trail of red and orange lights..

ACTION ALERT: Demand climate action from your local elected officials

Transportation is the #1 source of our regional greenhouse gas emissions, and we have just 8 years to slash those emissions. Yet, our local and state elected officials who sit on the regional Transportation Planning Board (TPB), are not taking the urgent – and feasible – steps necessary to reduce emissions from our region’s transportation system. They need to hear from you!