Take Action

Montgomery County: Great smart growth events tonight, tomorrow, all month!

Here’s news of a great event tonight and tomorrow. And the next weeks are full of exciting opportunities to support an equitable, climate-resilient future—which is certainly feeling urgent as our region experiences another round of Code Red air quality.
TAKE ACTION: Fix our region’s multi-billion $ transportation plan

TAKE ACTION: Fix our region’s multi-billion $ transportation plan

You have a chance now to speak out against wasteful road expansion and FOR smart growth, with better transit, safer streets for walking and biking, and also better maintaining the roads we’ve already built to handle climate change. With so much at stake, including our regional goals for climate, equity, safety and reducing sprawl, your voice is critical.

TAKE ACTION: A townhouse ban is not the way to guide us to smart, equitable development

Prince George’s County Council is considering a bill to freeze new townhouse construction for 2 years. We agree that too much growth is occurring outside priority centers, leading to increased traffic and high infrastructure costs, while diverting resources from existing communities. But a townhouse ban is an overly broad, indiscriminate approach that overlooks the underlying problems of Prince George’s zoning: too much single family zoning across the vast acres outside the beltway, and not enough flexible residential and mixed use zoning inside the beltway.

TAKE ACTION: Ask Alexandria City Council to support Duke St bus lanes, safer walking & biking 

The project Advisory Group, representing a diverse mix of corridor stakeholders, last month voted overwhelmingly to recommend dedicated center-running bus lanes and improved walking and biking facilities as the best option to improve Duke St for all users. Council needs to hear from you, that you support this recommendation for a safer and truly multimodal Duke Street.

TAKE ACTION: Fill out the Housing for All questionnaire by June 19th!

You can help support expanded housing opportunities in Alexandria by filling out the City’s questionnaire, open through June 19.