We’ve long supported converting the parking lots at Brookland Metro to places for people to live, work, and shop. Before Metro can make the land available, they need to realign the bus bays and shrink the Kiss and Ride lot. Check out our suggested talking points (below) then submit your comments in support by September 22 at 5pm.
Tell Metro that you support a better Brookland Metro station
- I support changing the bus facilities and Kiss and Ride lot to make land available for a more walkable, mixed use station area that includes affordable housing, better walk and bike access, and welcoming public spaces.
- I ask that the mixed income and affordable housing potential for this site be maximized to help more people live close to the station.
- I support reconfiguring bus bays into transit streets along an extended Newton Street and 9th Street, and reducing and moving the Kiss and Ride spaces.
- The proposed changes offer a much better station area than today, but the severe constraints on the development parcels and continued dominance of bus bays warrant that WMATA further reconsider the site layout to achieve the full potential of this redevelopment.
- The District-owned Brooks Mansion grounds should be opened up as an accessible public garden.
Want to know more? Read our testimony and get more information from Metro.