With your help, we did it! The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously in support of the plan amendment that will make way for the Huntington Metro Station area to be redeveloped into an inclusive, walkable, bike-friendly, transit-oriented community. Thanks to all of you who took action and helped make this a success.
Help us make more wins like this possible!
The Huntington Metro plan amendment calls for:
- 382,000 sq ft of non-residential including office, retail, and community uses
- 1,500 new residential units, including 15% affordable and workforce dwelling units
- Improved pedestrian and bicycle connections along Huntington Avenue and North Kings Highway, within the station area, and connecting to neighboring parcels
- Publicly accessible open space, plazas, and urban parks
- Substantially more extensive stormwater management
Supervisor Storck included an important follow-on motion, which was approved along with the plan, calling for the County to work with WMATA to identify needed public funding to support building the County’s new bus rapid transit station underground at the south entrance of the metro station (with a public park and plaza on top!). CSG has been advocating for the county to support funding this station to ensure the redevelopment can be financed and move forward.
Stay tuned for further updates as the Huntington Metro redevelopment plans move forward for opportunities to continue working with us to ensure the success of this project. Together we will build a more sustainable, equitable, and vibrant future for Fairfax County and our region.