Transit-Oriented Development in Maryland

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Testimony: Silver Spring mixed-use development at Georgia and Cameron (Support, Montgomery County)

We wish to express our support for the proposed mixed-use development at 8676 Georgia Avenue and 8601 Cameron Street. This development will provide up to 525 additional transit-accessible homes in downtown Silver Spring; improve pedestrian and bike infrastructure in the surrounding area; and offer additional retail and commercial space to serve this neighborhood and its many residents and visitors just blocks from the Silver Spring Metro.

Testimony: CB 15 – Omnibus revisions to Zoning Ordinance to implement Plan 2035 (Prince George’s, Support)

March 20, 2024 (updated 4/17/2024) Hon. Tom Dernoga, ChairPHED CommitteePrince George’s County Council Wayne Curry Administration Building1301 McCormick Drive, Largo MD Dear Chair Dernoga and members of the Committee: Please accept this testimony on behalf of the Coalition for Smarter Growth (CSG), the leading organization advocating for walkable, bikeable, inclusive, transit-oriented

Testimony: Brightseat Tech Park (Prince George’s, Support)

Data centers are a rapidly growing land use, and can often have negative impacts on adjacent neighborhoods and rural areas. In this case, we view this site as a suitable location. We see these benefits.

Testimony: Takoma Park Minor Master Plan Amendment (Support)

We support the draft Takoma Park Minor Master Plan Amendment, which outlines a vision for an inclusive, environmentally resilient, and vibrant community with improved access to parks and amenities and an abundance of housing that supports the continued affordability and unique diversity of this plan area.

CSG comments: Capitol Heights Metro station changes for redevelopment

To transform this station, we support the redevelopment of the 372-space Park & Ride surface parking lot, relocation and reduction of Kiss & Ride spots, and relocation of the bus facilities. We support the urban street layout for bus bays, which necessitates a right in/right out driveway access on East Capitol Street.