Latest Happenings
New bus rapid transit plan won’t require more property along Md. 355
West Chevy Chase residents no longer have to worry about a “Green Mile” marred by bus lanes down its middle, which would have meant widening the road, and possibly acquiring land through eminent domain. That idea has been removed from the latest draft of the Countywide Transit Corridors Functional Master

BRT Supporters Have Different Views As Plan Heads To Council
Bus Rapid Transit supporters are split on the Master Plan the county’s Planning Department will likely send to the County Council next week on the new transportation system. Some are still worried language inserted into the plan that would require “a thorough traffic analysis” before any BRT system is implemented severely waters down
Elrich Thinks Parts Of BRT Will Get Built In Next 4 Years
The Montgomery County Councilmember who is credited with first proposing a Bus Rapid Transit network for the county is optimistic parts of a BRT system will start being built in the next four years. Councilmember March Elrich (D-At large) also said he thinks ridership projections in the Master Plan for

Prince George’s tries to make TOD easier
Prince George's County wants to encourage growth in the right places by speeding up the approval process for transit-oriented development. The county council unanimously passed a bill last week that just might do it. Developers have often said they don't want to do business in Prince George's because of its lengthy and

Wheaton seeking development proposals
Two days before the release of a request for developer’s ideas for Wheaton, Montgomery County Executive Isiah Leggett joined County Council President Nancy Navarro and others Saturday for a tour of the area where redevelopment has long been discussed. “This is Wheaton’s time, and we’re going to do it, and