Transit-Oriented Development in Virginia

Latest Happenings

ATT Oakton before-after

Release: This is smart growth! Creating a vibrant, walkable Oakton, Fairfax VA

CSG and allies support transformation of the old AT&T office building and its acres of parking. CSG is joined by the Sierra Club, Chesapeake Climate Action Network, Fairfax Alliance for Better Bicycling, Fairfax Families for Safe Streets, Faith Alliance for Climate Solutions, Nature Forward, Northern Virginia Affordable Housing Alliance, and YIMBYs of NoVA.
VA Testimony: Support for AT&T Oakton plan amendment by Fairfax Healthy Communities

VA Testimony: Support for AT&T Oakton plan amendment by Fairfax Healthy Communities

Joint Comments on AT&T OaktonDownload February 25, 2025 Fairfax County Planning Commission 12000 Government Center Parkway Fairfax, VA 22035 RE: Comments in Support of AT&T Oakton plan amendment - PA 2023-00009 (SSPA 2023-II-1F) Chairman Niedzielski-Eichner and Commissioners, The above nine organizations, as part of the Fairfax Healthy Communities Network, are

Comments: AlexWest Draft Recommendations (Alexandria, Support)

The Coalition for Smarter Growth supports the overall recommendations for a more walkable, transit-friendly, mixed-use and inclusive West End, with greater housing security and opportunities for families to live in its neighborhoods. We also appreciate the City’s thoughtful planning process that has emphasized proactive engagement for all communities to participate.

Joint Comments: TopGolf Site (Fairfax, Support)

Please accept these comments on behalf of the Coalition for Smarter Growth, Northern Virginia Affordable Housing Alliance, South County Task Force, Fairfax Alliance for Better Bicycling, Washington Area Bicyclist Association, Nature Forward, and YIMBYs of NOVA. We write to express our support for the proposed redevelopment of the Top Golf site in Kingstowne and urge you to vote in favor of the plan amendment (PA-2015-IV-RH1). 

Take Action: Speak up for a vibrant, inclusive, and transit-oriented Langston Boulevard

The draft Langston Boulevard Area Plan is out and Arlington County wants to hear from you about the proposed long-term vision for the corridor. Provide your feedback via an online survey until this Sunday, July 30th.