Thank you for taking action to support more housing and a better future for DC.
Want to do more?
Fill out this survey for the DC Office of Planning.
Here are a few talking points to help you speak eloquently at a meeting, or to your friends, colleagues, and coworkers:
Our city continues to grow, this means we need to plan for and build more housing to keep up with demand.
We need to establish stronger goals to create and preserve affordable housing.
All our Metro stations and major transit corridors should be places we encourage more housing and mixed-use development.
Our land use policies should do more to support production of affordable housing, prevent displacement, and accommodate growth.
We should make the most of Inclusionary Zoning by requiring more affordable housing and allow more housing overall to help offset the cost of the affordable housing.
Our Comp Plan policies and land use maps should make it easier to build more housing, especially affordable housing.