
Northern Virginia is an economic engine and with smart investments in walkable, inclusive, transit-oriented communities, the region can continue to thrive while reducing traffic and saving open space.

That’s why we support transit communities, revitalization of aging commercial corridors, and transit investments in Fairfax, Arlington, Alexandria, Loudoun, and Prince William.

Yet, some still push for a return to 1950s-style development and an outer beltway that will gobble-up farms and forests, and divert resources from existing transportation needs. That’s why we must also fight for reform in transportation policies at the state level and encourage smart growth policies statewide.

Latest Happenings

Conservation and Smart Growth Groups Weigh-in on Transportation Funding

Joining the renewed debate over transportation funding, the Virginia conservation and smart growth community released an open letter today to Governor Kaine, Lieutenant Governor Bolling, Attorney General McDonnell and all 140 members of the General Assembly. “The energy crisis and climate change make it more important that ever that we buy the right transportation system for the next 50 to 100 years,” said Stewart Schwartz, Executive Director of the Coalition for Smarter Growth.

Arlington: Accessory Dwelling Units

We strongly support the proposed ordinance, which proposes to establish a legal permitting process for accessory apartments. We commend the County for recognizing the potential of accessory units as an important opportunity to address the County’s tremendous housing shortfall–for households at all income levels. Accessory Dwelling unit permissions are recognized as a national best practice for mature, single-family housing neighborhoods like in Arlington.

Depth of Opposition Grows to Massive I-81 Widening

Seven citizens’ organizations – National Trust for Historic Preservation, Scenic Virginia, APVA Preservation Virginia, Virginia Organizing Project, Valley Conservation Council, Rockbridge Area Conservation Council and Sierra Club – Thursday joined a federal lawsuit to block plans to widen I-81 to eight or more lanes throughout most of western Virginia. (Amended Complaint) Meanwhile, the Virginia Senate and House of Delegates passed bills mandating legislative oversight of I-81 and prior approval should tolls be proposed.

Sweetheart Bill for Builders Almost Derailed in Senate

“The significant division in the Senate vote on SB768 today demonstrates the serious problems with this bill,” said Lisa Guthrie, Executive Director of the Virginia League of Conservation Voters. “Had the bill not been filed at the last minute and had there been even a couple more days for all legislators to realize the damaging fiscal impacts, this bill would not have passed.”

Fairfax County: Zoning Ordinance Amendments for Large Retail Sales Establishments

The Coalition supports the staff and Planning Commission recommendations to amend the zoning ordinance as outlined in the report. Bringing retail store proposals greater than 80,000 square feet under County special exception helps ensure these projects reflect comprehensive planning, transportation and environmental measures, thus better contributing to the public health and welfare. This allows large retailers to better contribute to the community they serve in partnership, while enhancing the economic viability of the stores themselves.