Take Action: Speak up for a vibrant, inclusive, and transit-oriented Langston Boulevard

The draft Langston Boulevard Area Plan is out and Arlington County wants to hear from you about the proposed long-term vision for the corridor. Provide your feedback via an online survey until this Sunday, July 30th.

Take the Survey

The draft plan provides a vision, goals, policies, and implementation strategies to guide long-term investments in the Langston Boulevard corridor and help realize its vision of a Green Main Street. Extensive community feedback over the past year on the preliminary concept plan helped staff refine the draft plan. It focuses on nine key planning elements that will help deliver diverse housing options, enhanced open space and stormwater management, safer streets and better transit along Langston Boulevard. 

County staff is seeking feedback on the draft plan and its planning elements via an online survey through July 30th. 

For more information about the Plan Langston Boulevard planning process and feedback opportunities, visit the project website