Known nationally as an innovator in smart growth and environmental protection, Maryland has many opportunities for improved transportation, land use and equitable development policies.
In Maryland, the Coalition for Smarter Growth focuses on Montgomery and Prince George’s Counties. We advocate for transit-oriented neighborhoods where people can walk, bicycle and take transit between home, work and play, the new transit investments to support these communities, and affordable housing linked to transit.
Latest Happenings
Testimony before the Prince George’s County House Delegation in Support of PG 420-13: School Facilities Surcharge
Please accept these comments on behalf of the Coalition for Smarter Growth. Our organization works to ensure that transportation and development decisions in the Washington, D.C. region, including the Maryland suburbs, accommodate growth while revitalizing communities, providing more housing and travel choices, and conserving our natural and historic areas. We urge you to
New group forms to push for Maryland transportation funding
A new group has formed in Maryland to urge legislators to find new revenue options to fund transportation projects. The group -- Get Maryland Moving -- is comprised of various advocacy organizations, including Purple Line Now and the Red Line Now PAC in Baltimore, Coalition for Smarter Growth, and the
Chevy Chase Lake, Police Update, Smart Growth On Agenda Tuesday
The Western Montgomery County Citizens Advisory Board will discuss the controversial Chevy Chase Lake Sector Plan, get a crime update from MCP Bethesda District commander Capt. Dave Falcinelli and a presentation from the Coalition for Smarter Growth when it meets Tuesday night. The advisory board is made up of residents
Roger Berliner: Saving Purple Line requires governor’s involvement
Without new money the Purple Line and the Corridor Cities Transitway may be put on hold, and one Montgomery County councilmember believes the governor needs to take a more active role so that doesn't happen. "I don't think the governor has gotten engaged as much as he needs to," said
Montgomery scales back dedicated lanes on BRT
On the heels of a report suggesting Montgomery County's Bus Rapid Transit plans are too ambitious, county planners are recommending reducing the number of lines and using dedicated bus lanes across a smaller portion of the system. Photo by dan reed! on Flickr. They presented these recommendations last night at