Testimony: U St Police Station Zone Modification (Support)
We urge the Zoning Commission not to further shrink the housing capacity of the site, and to accommodate its other essential uses – a new police station and fire station. This is an important public land site for needed affordable housing. The proposed text amendment is a reasonable approach to making the most of the opportunity for new housing, supporting new public facilities, while also being respectful of the desires of nearby neighbors.
Annual Northern Virginia Joint Transportation Meeting (Comments)
Re: NoVA transportation needs to prioritize transit funding and service enhancement, roadway safety, alternatives to road capacity expansion, and climate action Chairs and directors of Northern Virginia transportation agencies: The Coalition for Smarter Growth (CSG) appreciates your gathering together to hear from the public and stakeholders and share information on
Testimony: Emergency Rental Assistance Reform Amendment Act of 2024 (Support, DC)
We ask the DC Council to support the Emergency Rental Assistance Reform Amendment Act (B25-994) to avert a crisis driven by unprecedented levels of unpaid rent. The bill would ensure that DC law establishes the right incentives to bring tenants and housing providers together to save and stabilize at-risk housing to serve low income DC residents.
Comments: MD-410 PSAP draft plan (Maryland, Support)
Thank you for the opportunity to comment on these SHA concepts for MD 410. We greatly appreciate the efforts of MDOT and SHA to address safety and access for all users through the Pedestrian Safety Action Plan process and the Complete Streets Program. We wish to endorse the thoughtful comments submitted by Dan Behrend. Here are additional specific comments:
MDOT FY 25-FY 30 Consolidated Transportation Program (Prince George’s, Comments)
Overall, we want to commend the MDOT’s priorities in a difficult budget year. We applaud the state’s leadership on meeting the obligation for WMATA funding.