DC Council Votes Unanimously for Flexible Commuter Benefits
On April 7, 2020, the DC Council unanimously voted to support flexible commuter benefits! The law, promoted by CSG and our supporters, will give workers the option to walk, bike and take transit to work using the value of an employer-subsidized parking space.
The Transportation Benefits Equity Amendment Act will allow employees who are offered a free or subsidized parking space to exchange the benefit for a transit benefit (with cash to make up any difference in value), for cash if they walk or bike to work, or for an enhanced health care benefit.
This bill will lead to more sustainable commuting. It will mean fewer vehicles on the road, which reduces traffic congestion, speeds up buses, and leads to fewer carbon emissions. Get the details here.
This decisive victory would not have been possible without the advocacy of supporters like you, so thank you for contacting your Councilmembers and advocating for these changes. While nonessential commutes remain on hold for the time being, workers in DC will soon be incentivized to enjoy a more sustainable ride to work with the new option to cash out their parking benefits.
Winning this bill will help us build a more equitable and sustainable DC. It would not have been possible without a sustained push by CSG and our allies and activists.