Advocating for walkable, bikeable, inclusive, and transit-oriented communities as the most sustainable and equitable way for the Washington, DC region to grow and provide opportunities for all.

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Smart Growth Social

Join us for our annual party at Eastern Market! Smart Growth Social, CSG's most popular annual event, is returning to Eastern Market this October! Join us for a celebration of the smart growth movement and the incredible people who champion it.

Happy hour: Building an Inclusive Ward 3 (DC)

Join Ward3Vision, WIN Ward 3, DC YIMBYs & Coalition for

Latest Happenings

ICC Tolls Increase

Reports this week indicate that tolls on the Bay Bridge and Baltimore-area bridges and tunnels would have to be significantly increased, and in some cases doubled, to pay for Montgomery County’s Intercounty Connector.

Depth of Opposition Grows to Massive I-81 Widening

Seven citizens’ organizations – National Trust for Historic Preservation, Scenic Virginia, APVA Preservation Virginia, Virginia Organizing Project, Valley Conservation Council, Rockbridge Area Conservation Council and Sierra Club – Thursday joined a federal lawsuit to block plans to widen I-81 to eight or more lanes throughout most of western Virginia. (Amended Complaint) Meanwhile, the Virginia Senate and House of Delegates passed bills mandating legislative oversight of I-81 and prior approval should tolls be proposed.

Sweetheart Bill for Builders Almost Derailed in Senate

“The significant division in the Senate vote on SB768 today demonstrates the serious problems with this bill,” said Lisa Guthrie, Executive Director of the Virginia League of Conservation Voters. “Had the bill not been filed at the last minute and had there been even a couple more days for all legislators to realize the damaging fiscal impacts, this bill would not have passed.”

Joint Statement in Support of a Fix-it-First, Jobs First, Sustainable Stimulus

The undersigned groups have been involved for many years in promoting, supporting and implementing fiscally and environmentally sustainable land use, transportation and environmental policies. We hereby express our core concerns and recommendations for the stimulus bill before the Senate.

City Council Lauded for Action on Affordable Housing Law

On January 8, the D.C. City Council voted overwhelmingly to sponsor legislation implementing its Inclusionary Zoning affordable housing law. Championed by Councilmembers Jim Graham and Chairman Vincent Gray, the bill fully reflects the position of the Campaign for Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning, which has repeatedly requested implementation by the Mayor’s office since original enabling legislation was approved in December 2006.