TAKE ACTION: Ask Alexandria City Council to support Duke St bus lanes, safer walking & biking 

The Alexandria City Council will be voting on the Duke Street In Motion project this coming Tuesday, June 27. The project Advisory Group, representing a diverse mix of corridor stakeholders, last month voted overwhelmingly to recommend dedicated center-running bus lanes and improved walking and biking facilities as the best option to improve Duke St for all users. Council needs to hear from you, that you support this recommendation for a safer and truly multimodal Duke Street.

There are two ways to show your support:

1) Email the Council

2) Sign up to testify at the upcoming hearing

When: Tuesday, June 27 at 7pm
Where: City Hall Council Chambers (301 King St, Alexandria, VA 22314)
Fill out the speaker form for Docket Item #7
To speak online, also complete the Zoom registration

Technical analysis of the Concept A center-running bus lanes design shows this would have by far the greatest benefits in terms of travel time, reliability, safety, and ridership out of the three alternatives studied – and for all modes of travel. The study also shows we can have improved, wider sidewalks and a separated cycle track where currently feasible, along the length of the corridor.

For more information on the project, including the full Advisory Group recommendation to City Council, visit the Duke Street In Motion project webpage.

Thank you for all you do for Alexandria and our region,