We need your help to save Metro!

It was wonderful to see so many CSG supporters at Smart Growth Social this week! We hope you had fun! 

David Zipper offered important insights about what we need to do to create great transit in our country – fast, frequent, reliable service – and the importance of dedicated funding for transit. Our special guest, Metro General Manager Randy Clarke, shared WMATA’s progress with ridership, maintenance, and frequent service and highlighted CSG’s role in the campaign to close Metro’s fiscal cliff and provide WMATA with dedicated, reliable operating funding.

But in order to save Metro, we need your help! Individual donations make up over 25% of our funding. Fund our team so we can fight to fund Metro. 

Help us save Metro – donate today!

Failure to fund Metro cannot be an option! It’s the backbone of our region’s economy, access to jobs and opportunity, and key to reducing driving and climate emissions. That’s why we plan to muster our coalition partners, rally the public, and press elected officials – and I hope you’ll help by supporting our work.

Thank you to David and Randy for your inspiring remarks, to our volunteers, to our Sponsors and Host Committee donors, and to you – for all you do to support CSG! We hope you will join us in the campaigns ahead for Metro funding, safer streets, more housing near transit, and a sustainable transit-oriented future!

Thanks for all you do,