TAKE ACTION: Help secure funding for good transit, walk, bike & safe streets projects in Northern Virginia

The Northern Virginia Transportation Authority (NVTA) is deciding among a range of projects competing for its six-year program of regional funding. Please comment to support good projects – and oppose using limited public funds on wasteful oversized road projects. 

Fill out NVTA’s feedback form by the deadline Sunday, May 19 at 11:59pm

The NVTA is a funding and planning body created by the General Assembly in 2002 and granted access to a range of regional tax revenues in 2013. Every other year, the agency solicits applications for transportation project funding for its six-year program. NVTA staff evaluate projects based on a combination of specified criteria and public comment. 

  • For information to help you comment, see CSG’s project recommendations. We believe NVTA should prioritize funding projects that support walkable, bikeable, transit-friendly communities – these provide lasting benefits for access to jobs and services, safety, sustainability, and affordable travel options. 
  • NVTA’s FY24-29 Six-Year Program webpage provides additional detailed information on projects and the evaluation process. Scroll to the bottom for details on projects by jurisdiction.
  • Provide even more support for good projects by registering to speak in-person or virtually at NVTA’s public hearing on Thursday, May 9, 7:00pm.