The Duke Street Transitway is a critical part of a sustainable future for Alexandria. As the city and region grow, we need to move more people sustainably. Center-running dedicated bus lanes, wider tree-lined sidewalks, and a safe and convenient east-west bike route along Duke Street are an investment in Alexandria’s future. Fill out the Duke Street In Motion project feedback form by 11:59pm, Friday, October 28.
You can support the vision of Alexandria that provides travel options by asking for the following in question #7 of the feedback form:
- Ask for dedicated center-running bus lanes, improved walking and biking facilities, and enhanced tree canopy along the corridor.
- Provide your own personal experience traveling to destinations along Duke Street, using bus, or walking and biking in Alexandria
The Duke Street in Motion (DSIM) project covers the corridor from King Street Metro to the former Landmark Mall mixed-use redevelopment and new hospital. A future transitway providing bus rapid transit (BRT) service has been envisioned along Duke Street since 2008 as the City’s adopted strategy to focus future anticipated growth in population and jobs along Alexandria’s transit corridors. This community vision of vibrant, walkable development, and affordable housing in these corridors depends on high-quality transit service and improved streetscapes. Likewise, existing bus riders, walkers, and bicyclists need convenient, safe, and reliable transportation options in the corridor.
The DSIM project is developing options to ensure that access to existing neighborhoods and residences along Duke St is maintained, and the City of Alexandria is conducting separate coordinated studies to address the traffic back-ups near Telegraph Road.
Additional background is summarized concisely in this GGWash article and on the City’s website.
Fill out the survey form by 11:59pm on Friday, October 28 to voice your support for this investment in Alexandria’s future.