Convenient, Sustainable Transportation Choices 

To build a sustainable and equitable transportation system, we need to focus on moving people, not just cars. 

That means providing more transportation choices: expanding our transit network; providing frequent, reliable transit service; investing in protected bike lanes, trails, bikeshare, ample sidewalks, and safer streets; and focusing on maintaining existing road infrastructure instead of expanding highways and widening roads. 

These measures will make it possible for us to choose to drive less and meet more of our daily needs through options like transit, walking, biking, and scooting.

Provide convenient, frequent, and reliable public transit

Public transit, including our Metro system and local bus services, provides an affordable, convenient, and sustainable way to travel. It is essential for supporting our network of transit-oriented communities and corridors, and to a thriving, economically competitive, and inclusive D.C. region. 

To make public transit a great option for all, it must be frequent, fast, and reliable, have dedicated lanes as much as possible, and connect us to where we need to go — work, shopping, gathering with friends and family, and more.

Invest in safe, comfortable walking and biking 

For more people to choose walking and biking to get around, we must make these options safe, comfortable, and well-connected to the places we need to go. This includes investing in wider sidewalks, protected bike lanes, trails, high-visibility and shorter street crossings, and street trees

Wide, dangerous roads that prioritize speed make our roads less safe for everyone. Instead, we should design our streets for travel speeds that make them safer for all users – people walking, people biking, and people driving.

Shift away from highways and arterial road expansion

Transportation should connect our communities – not divide them. The vast expansion of highways and roads has separated our neighborhoods and resulted in sprawl development that requires driving to get to most places, adds more traffic, and increases climate emissions. 

In fact, data shows that widening major roads and highways actually results in more driving, canceling out any congestion-reduction benefits in as little as five to ten years, a phenomenon called “induced demand”. 

A more sustainable solution is creating walkable, transit-accessible communities with connected local street networks. Providing more opportunities to live in a walkable community and to walk, bike, and use transit is more effective in reducing the number of cars crowding arterial roads and highways.

Latest Happenings

Action Alert: We have power in numbers! Join us to say no to M-83 (MoCo)

Action Alert: We have power in numbers! Join us to say no to M-83 (MoCo)

We need your help at a hearing this Thursday to finally stop an outdated, destructive highway and to protect sensitive forests and wetlands. If built, the Mid-County Highway Extended (M-83) would cut through farmland, forests and wetlands in its path through the Seneca Creek watershed. 
MD 214/Central Ave. safety workshop comments (Prince George's)

MD 214/Central Ave. safety workshop comments (Prince George’s)

RE: MD 214/Central Ave. 12/10/24 safety workshop comments TO: Mulowa K. Kajoba, Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA) Project Manager, FROM: Cheryl Cort, Policy Director, Coalition for Smarter Growth DATE: December 16, 2024 Dear Project Manager Kajoba: Thank you for holding a public input workshop regarding MD 214/Central Avenue. We
Better Buses Coalition Letter in Support of Georgia Ave. Dedicated Bus Lanes (Montgomery)

Better Buses Coalition Letter in Support of Georgia Ave. Dedicated Bus Lanes (Montgomery)

Dear Secretary Wiedefeld, GM Clarke, County Executive Elrich, Council President Stewart, and Director Conklin: The undersigned organizations representing the Montgomery County Better Buses Coalition are writing regarding the MD-97 (Georgia Ave.) dedicated bus lane proposal. We are encouraged by the success of the pilot project and ask you to make the dedicated lanes permanent.

Annual Northern Virginia Joint Transportation Meeting (Comments)

Re: NoVA transportation needs to prioritize transit funding and service enhancement, roadway safety, alternatives to road capacity expansion, and climate action Chairs and directors of Northern Virginia transportation agencies: The Coalition for Smarter Growth (CSG) appreciates your gathering together to hear from the public and stakeholders and share information on
Testimony: Remove M-83 from Montgomery County Plans

Testimony: Remove M-83 from Montgomery County Plans

Mid-County Highway Extended (M-83) is an outdated plan out of step with what we know today about the vital connections between environmental and human health, and best practices to address transportation needs. Take action to remove M-83 from county plans.