EVENT: Better Buses for Prince George’s: What Does it Take?

On November 9, 2022, RISE Prince George’s and CSG hosted a discussion with Metro and Prince George’s County to talk about how we can get more frequent, reliable, and accessible bus service that better meets the needs of riders and residents in Prince George’s and our region. These transit providers are seeking input as they look to redesign the bus network and prioritize buses on local roads.

RISE Prince George’s Kyle Reeder moderated this session. Maryland Delegate Jazz Lewis provided opening remarks. From WMATA, we heard from Allison Davis, Metro’s Vice President of Planning, and Raka Choudhury, Director of Bus Priority. Joining us from Prince George’s Department of Public Works and Transportation was Semia Hackett, Associate Director of Transportation, and Efon Epanty, Chief of Planning and Innovation.
