Prince George’s County

Image: Cheryl Cort

With 15 Metro stations, 8 MARC commuter rail station, parks, rivers, and farmland, and its older urban communities adjacent to the job center of DC, Prince George’s is a place of great potential.

We work with public officials and community leaders to support economic development through well-designed, mixed-use, transit-oriented development, which will build the county’s tax and employment base, and provide increased retail and housing choices

Our Work in Prince George’s

Rise Prince George’s 

Rise Prince George’s is an emerging group of county residents and allies advocating for policies and practices that build a shared, sustainable prosperity by creating safe, walkable, inclusive and transit-oriented communities. Learn more >>>

Zoning Code Rewrite

Prince George’s County has been working for six years to rewrite and implement its outdated zoning code. The zoning regulations were adopted by the County Council in 2018, but implementation through the Countywide Zoning Map amendment required another two years. The zoning rewrite offers an updated modern zoning and subdivision regulations. The revised regulations could help the county better link jobs, transit, new development and existing neighborhoods to create more livable, walkable, transit-oriented communities. Learn more >>>

Past Campaigns

  • Regional Medical Center: Our two-year campaign demonstrating the accessibility and health benefits of a transit station location paid off in 2013 when the county selected a walkable site next to the Largo Town Center Metro. As of summer 2015, the project is processing though needed approvals, including a certificate of need from the state of Maryland, before further plans move ahead.
  • Plan Prince George’s 2034: Plan Prince George’s 2035, the proposed 20 year general plan for Prince George’s County, could get the county on the right track if we can translate the sound planning ideas and good intentions into reality. We commend the planning board for the bold draft Plan Prince George’s 2035. But we worry that still permitting large-scale “suburban centers” on undeveloped land will jeopardize our county’s long-term sustainability, lead to worse traffic, and take away needed funds for investing in our existing neighborhoods and at Metro stations.

Latest Happenings

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Prince George’s tries to make TOD easier

Prince George's County wants to encourage growth in the right places by speeding up the approval process for transit-oriented development. The county council unanimously passed a bill last week that just might do it. Developers have often said they don't want to do business in Prince George's because of its lengthy and

Prince George’s Council approves plan to speed development around transit stations

The Prince George’s County Council on Tuesday took a major step to simplify and speed up development approval at transit stations, unanimously passing a bill that officials hope will spark new growth and create jobs. The measure, crafted by Council members Mel Franklin (D-Upper Marlboro) and Eric Olson (D-College Park),

Testimony before The Hon. Andrea Harrison, Chair, Prince George’s County Council Re: Support for CB-20-2013: Expedited Transit-Oriented Development

Please accept these comments on behalf of the Coalition for Smarter Growth. Our organization works to ensure that transportation and development decisions in the Washington, D.C. region, including the Maryland suburbs, accommodate growth while revitalizing communities, providing more housing and travel choices, and conserving our natural and historic areas. We
PG planners propose bold new smart growth future

PG planners propose bold new smart growth future

Prince George's County has diverged from its smart growth goals, says the county Planning Board in a searing assessment. The board says residents have a choice: push for more transit-oriented development and walkable communities, or "be resigned to business as usual." Largo Town Center. Photo by the author.The board released
Reba Watkins - CSG petition delivery. Photo by Aimee Custis

Over 1,000 Prince George’s Residents Request Placement of New Hospital at Metro Station Petition Presented to County Executive Baker

UPPER MARLBORO – Today, the Coalition for Smarter Growth delivered a petition to Prince George’s County Executive Rushern Baker, urging him to choose a Metro station site for the planned Regional Medical Center. Over 1,000 Prince George’s residents signed the petition. "The petition demonstrates how many people in our county want the new medical center at a convenient Metro site,” said Coalition for Smarter Growth staff representative and Cheverly resident Reba Watkins, who delivered the petition. “As a Prince George's resident, this issue is important to me. Right now, without a car, I have to go to Bethesda or D.C. for quality, convenient care. We can do better." The petition adds to growing consensus that the new hospital should be located at a Metro station site.