CSG News: What we believe

Dear Friend:

These are not normal times. So in this, our first newsletter of the year, we will begin by sharing what we believe:

  • We believe in our Federal Civil Service, our friends and neighbors who are patriotically serving our nation working for improved health and education, clean air and water, science and human progress.
  • We believe in the Constitution, the separation of powers, and the rule of law.
  • We believe in diversity, equity, and inclusion, and the strength that comes from ensuring that everyone has a fair chance for opportunity and success.
  • We believe in our nation as a beacon for freedom and democracy and that we welcome those seeking asylum, safety, and a better life, and that our immigrants have made us stronger.
  • We believe in working together with mutual respect and collaboration to make our world, our region, and our local communities a better place for all people.

We turn now to opportunities for you to be involved in positive change.


We’re hiring! Fundraising & Events Coordinator/Manager (job description)

Our terrific teammate Ayesha Amsa has moved to her next career opportunity. So, we’re seeking a passionate and skilled teammate to coordinate our fundraisers and giving campaigns, and assist with individual and corporate fundraising and donor management and communications.

It’s still Black History Month to us!

As part of Black History Month, we recently joined transit advocates across the country on Transit Equity Day Feb 4 to honor Rosa Parks and her brave contribution to the Civil Rights Movement. Metro marked each Metrobus seat with a sign featuring Parks and saying, “Today, this seat is reserved in honor of Rosa Parks.”

Regional officials must act on climate – Staff and consultants at the Transportation Planning Board have offered a set of actions (download PDF) we can take to reduce climate pollution from transportation, including alternatives to highway expansion, parking benefit cashout, and more aggressive transit-oriented housing efforts. Email tpbcomment@mwcog by Feb. 17, and tell our elected leaders you want them to take action to slash climate pollution from transportation.

Washington D.C.

Play TranspoBINGO! February 27 – March 6 (learn more and RSVP here)

CSG is proud to join TranspoBINGO again for a week-long game that challenges players to use public transit, biking, and walking. The game rewards you for taking different modes to explore the city and its public spaces, and for advocating active transportation. Join us Mar 6 for the closing party at Metrobar!

Updating the DC Comprehensive Plan

The DC Office of Planning will be launching its Comp Plan update, DC 2050. We hope you’ll join us in supporting a more inclusive, walkable, thriving city, and making it easier to build homes across a range of prices. We’re also proposing form-based zoning — which can give more certainty on building form and siting, while streamlining the development process. Stay tuned!


Event: Building a shared prosperity for Prince George’s (Feb. 18, 3 pm, RSVP to attend in-person or on Zoom)

With a Special Election coming up fast, join CSG and RISE Prince George’s for a discussion with County Executive candidates on linking economic development, housing, and smart growth. View via Zoom, or attend in person in Riverdale. 

Support progressive transportation reforms in the MD General Assembly (take action)

CSG is supporting bills that will remove obstacles to transit-oriented development, align transportation spending with the state’s climate and smart growth goals, improve safety for bicyclists and pedestrians, and increase Metro capital funding. Send an email today!

Montgomery Council introduces “More Housing N.O.W.”

Councilmembers Friedson and Fani-Gonzalez have introduced More Housing N.O.W. to increase housing options in transit-accessible locations for our workforce and first-time homebuyers. President Stewart and Councilmembers Balcombe, Luedtke, and Sayles are co-sponsors. CSG and Montgomery for All helped mobilize a broad coalition for last week’s press conference – including teachers, the firefighters’ union, Montgomery County Black Collective, CASA, Action in Montgomery, Habitat for Humanity, and Montgomery Housing Partnership.


TONIGHT! Meet Arlington’s “climate czar”! (Register here)

CSG is a co-sponsor for EcoAction Arlington’s “Meet the Assistant County Manager for Climate Policy” virtual event tonight, Feb 6, 6:30 to 8:30pm via Zoom. It’s more important than ever that we fight climate pollution here in our local communities.

This new walkable community in Oakton deserves our support! (learn more)

Let’s replace an obsolete office building in Oakton with a vibrant walkable neighborhood of mixed-income townhomes and multifamily homes, enhanced bike/ped connections, retail, and parks and trees! (see EYA’s concept). Sign up to testify at the Planning Commission Feb 26, 7:30pm for the draft plan text (case SSPA 2023-II-1F). You can testify by pre-recorded video, by telephone, or in person. The Board of Supervisors’ hearing is Mar 18, 4pm. 

Support mixed-income housing in Franconia (learn more)

Join us in supporting up to 120 mixed-income homes on the old Franconia Government site. This public land makes it possible to add much needed affordable housing with access to transit. Sign up here to testify at the Feb 12, 7:30pm hearing (case SSPA 2023-IV-2S). The Board of Supervisor’s hearing is Mar 18, 4pm.

What’s your vision for Fairfax County? (learn more)

Fairfax County is updating its Policy Plan, which provides the long-term vision for land use, housing, sustainability, and transportation. Attend one of the upcoming in-person or virtual community meetings from Feb 5-Feb 13 to learn more and speak up for a more inclusive and sustainable future. 

Comment on the National Landing CC2DCA bridge design (take action by Feb 16)

Check out the exciting proposal for a pedestrian+bicycle bridge connecting Crystal City to Reagan National Airport and the Mount Vernon Trail. Go first to our allies Sustainable Mobility for Arlington County (SUSMO) to learn more and click their link to the survey. 

Support a people-focused Route 1 in Arlington (take action by Feb 18) Check out the updated proposal to bring Route 1 down to grade between 15th and 23rd Street, creating an urban boulevard rather than an elevated barrier between Crystal City and Pentagon City. Our partner SUSMO explains what’s good and what needs improvement, and provides a link for you to take action. 

Thanks for all you do,

Stewart Schwartz
Executive Director
Coalition for Smarter Growth

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Photo: Joe Flood