Category: Resources

Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) Reform with no amendments (Support, DC)

Statement by Coalition for Smarter Growth, Contact: Cheryl Cort,

We urge the DC Council to support with no amendments the emergency ERAP reform legislation (B25-0968) to avert a crisis driven by unprecedented levels of unpaid rent. Chair Mendelson’s bill would ensure that DC law establishes the right incentives to bring tenants and housing providers together to save and stabilize at-risk housing while addressing the needs of low-income DC residents. 

What’s at stake, according to DHCD

  • 80% of properties are not receiving enough in rent collection to pay their mortgages or pay maintenance expenses.
  • 22,000 affordable housing units are at risk which would mean the risk of eviction for 48,000 residents. This puts the District of Columbia affordable housing market at serious risk, both for future investment and foreclosure of existing properties.

The bill repeals self-certification of ERAP eligibility and gives judges in Landlord Tenant Court discretion regarding pending cases, requiring a tenant to provide evidence that applied-for ERAP rental assistance can cover rent owed, or commit to a payment plan agreement with the housing provider to cover unpaid rent. 

This legislation facilitates eviction diversion mediation, and affordable payment plans that allow tenants and landlords to resolve past debts. The goal is to bring tenants back to actively engaging with housing providers to find solutions to cover the cost of housing. The current level of unpaid rent puts all tenants at risk of eviction – those who are paying rent, and those who are not, if these developments go into foreclosure and are sold. This bill supports alternatives to eviction that are not possible under today’s ERAP law. 

Affordable housing providers are telling us that the magnitude of unpaid rent is unsustainable, threatening potential large scale foreclosures, mass eviction, and loss of hundreds of millions of dollars in affordable housing investments. Chairman Mendelson’s legislation responds to this crisis and offers an essential, crucial step in the process to stabilizing DC’s extensive affordable housing stock. The Chair’s legislative proposal offers the best understanding of what’s at stake in this crisis, and necessary tools to address it.

Affordable housing providers are urging the Council to adopt this legislation to get tenants back on track to working with landlords to pay rents they can afford, obtain subsidies that are available, and meet affordable housing compliance requirements. We join affordable housing providers in supporting this legislation.

This emergency legislation is only the beginning to stabilizing the DC affordable housing market that is at the brink of collapse. We will continue to advocate for increased investment in housing affordable to low income residents and additional improvements to ERAP and other support for tenants to secure decent, affordable homes close to jobs, services, and transit.

Testimony: Silver Spring mixed-use development at Georgia and Cameron (Support, Montgomery County)

We wish to express our support for the proposed mixed-use development at 8676 Georgia Avenue and 8601 Cameron Street. This development will provide up to 525 additional transit-accessible homes in downtown Silver Spring; improve pedestrian and bike infrastructure in the surrounding area; and offer additional retail and commercial space to serve this neighborhood and its many residents and visitors just blocks from the Silver Spring Metro.

Fact Sheet: Attainable Housing – living up to our country’s housing values (Montgomery County)

On June 13, the Montgomery County Planning Board unanimously approved the Attainable Housing Strategies Initiative report. The report recommends allowing more types of housing—like duplexes, triplexes, and townhouses—in neighborhoods that for decades have only allowed single-family detached homes.

CSG testimony: Director of the District Department of Transportation Sharon Kershbaum Confirmation Resolution of 2024 (DC)

At this crucial time, when the city is faltering in meeting its Vision Zero goals, when Downtown is in serious trouble, and when we face the need to fight climate change, DC is in need of visionary and progressive leadership from its DDOT director. We ask the Committee to ensure DDOT has this leadership and that the District emerges as an international leader in sustainable transportation.

Joint Statement: Chevy Chase DC rezoning proposal supports a more inclusive and vibrant community (DC)

Joint Statement: Chevy Chase DC rezoning proposal supports a more inclusive and vibrant community (DC)

Ward3Vision, WIN Ward 3 Congregations Affordable Housing Work Group, and Coalition for Smarter Growth urge adoption of the proposed zoning changes to Chevy Chase’s main street as the critical next step toward achieving a more inclusive and vibrant community. 

CSG Testimony: Support ZC 23-25 Chevy Chase DC rezoning

We wish to express our support for the proposed zoning changes to Chevy Chase DC’s main street. We have participated in and tracked closely the entire process – the Comprehensive Plan and Future Land Use Map, the Housing Equity Report, the Small Area Plan, the “Our RFP” public process for the library site, and this rezoning proposal.

Joint Letter to COG-WMATA re Table for LT Metro Funding

The undersigned groups commend regional elected officials and staff for identifying $480 million in funding to support WMATA FY25 operations. Our non-profit and labor organizations worked to support this additional funding, as we did during the successful effort to win $500 million in capital funding in 2018. However, we all recognize that the region needs to once and for all identify a long-term, sustainable, reliable, dedicated funding solution for WMATA.