Latest Happenings
TAKE ACTION: Help secure funding for good transit, walk, bike & safe streets projects in Northern Virginia
The Northern Virginia Transportation Authority (NVTA) is deciding among a range of projects competing for its six-year program of regional funding. Please comment to support good projects – and oppose using limited public funds on wasteful oversized road projects.
Hear updates and speak up for safer streets in Culmore
Our continued safe streets efforts in Culmore have prompted a second public meeting this Wednesday! Fairfax County and VDOT will be providing an update on safety improvement projects that were announced at last year's packed community meeting where residents rallied for safer streets in the Culmore neighborhood of Bailey’s Crossroads.
Press Release: ACPS award for School Bus Electrification Project
On Wednesday, the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments will present a Climate & Energy Leadership Award in the Educational Institution Sector to Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) for its Electric School Bus program. According to the COG agenda materials, ACPS will have 15 electric school buses, representing 12% of its fleet, and will be the second largest electric school bus fleet in Virginia and the third largest on the East Coast after Fairfax County, VA and Montgomery County, MD public schools.

CSG in VCN’s 2024 Our Common Agenda: Saving Pedestrian Lives
The massacre on our roadways is the result of worsening speeding, larger vehicles like SUVs and trucks with limited visibility, increases in driver impairment and distraction, and roadway design that prioritizes cars’ speed over the lives of the Commonwealth’s residents. The tools to reverse this tragic trend are as simple as sidewalks and pedestrian refuges, but Virginia needs policy and resources to make a change.
TAKE ACTION: Tell VDOT to prioritize walkable, transit-friendly communities in its climate strategy
Your feedback is critical to ensure that VDOT prioritizes fostering walkable, transit-friendly communities connected by clean, convenient intercity rail and bus systems rather than continuing to pave over Virginia and making communities more car-dependent and less safe to walk and bike.