Latest Happenings

Action Alert: We have power in numbers! Join us to say no to M-83 (MoCo)
We need your help at a hearing this Thursday to finally stop an outdated, destructive highway and to protect sensitive forests and wetlands. If built, the Mid-County Highway Extended (M-83) would cut through farmland, forests and wetlands in its path through the Seneca Creek watershed.

Testimony: Remove M-83 from Montgomery County Plans
Mid-County Highway Extended (M-83) is an outdated plan out of step with what we know today about the vital connections between environmental and human health, and best practices to address transportation needs. Take action to remove M-83 from county plans.
Event Materials: Transportation and Climate Alignment Act virtual rally
Thank you so much for attending the Transportation and Climate Alignment Act Virtual Rally! If you missed it, check out the recording and slides. If you are interested in getting more involved or receiving email updates about the bill, please take a couple minutes to fill out our action form.

Op-ed: Adopt fix-it-first, climate-resilient, sustainable transportation priorities (Maryland Matters)
In short, sustainable land use, transit, and a fix-it-first and resilience-first approach to Maryland transportation and infrastructure spending is essential for Maryland’s future.
MDOT FY 25-FY 30 Consolidated Transportation Program (Prince George’s, Comments)
Overall, we want to commend the MDOT’s priorities in a difficult budget year. We applaud the state’s leadership on meeting the obligation for WMATA funding.