CSG in the News: the flawed 495 Southside Express Lanes

Check out our very own Bill Pugh on WUSA9 highlighting the risk that private toll lanes could block future Metrorail on the Woodrow Wilson Bridge. Then, take action and tell your local elected officials to vote against including this project in the regional plan.

The VDOT proposal to widen I-495 for toll lanes from Springfield across the Woodrow Wilson Bridge into Maryland would take bridge space reserved for Metrorail, create a traffic bottleneck in Prince George’s, and congest connecting roads. With so many questions, we’re asking officials to keep the VDOT proposal out of regional plans.

Send an email by noon June 18 telling your local elected officials and the regional Transportation Planning Board to keep this flawed project out of regional plans. They need to evaluate a comprehensive transit, transit-oriented development, and demand management solution for the corridor that would help address the underlying cause of Beltway traffic – the east-west jobs/housing imbalance.