Seminary Road Rescue

Support a Safer Seminary Road

Your help is needed to make Seminary Road safer for all road users — people who walk, bike, ride the bus, or drive. While the city’s goals are to improve safety and connectivity, the city’s Traffic and Parking Board voted to make very few changes to the current road, meaning it would continue to see high speeds and unsafe conditions.

The City Council will vote on September 14. Together, we need to urge them to reject the traffic board’s proposal and choose a safer alternative. That’s why we are collecting petition signatures, which will be combined with those collected by other partner groups.

Please support a safer Seminary Road by signing the petition!

The better and safer street design option would be a “road diet,” converting the four lane road to three lanes with a center turn lane, providing buffered bike lanes, enhancing crosswalks and adding pedestrian refuge islands at transit stops.

This option would improve safety and access for all road users, and especially pedestrians, but is facing opposition over concerns about traffic. Yet, road diets have been proven to maintain a steady vehicle flow while providing significant safety improvements.

Not only will the three lane design for Seminary Road reduce dangerous speeding, the center dedicated left turn lane will help to keep traffic moving while reducing the rear end collisions so common on four lane roads that lack protected left-turn lanes.

A similar project on King Street in 2016 reduced speeding by 18% without adding congestion, decreased crashes by 50% and did not result in a jump in neighborhood cut-through traffic.

Please support safe streets now by signing the petition!

Thank you for your support,

Sonya Breehey
Northern Virginia Advocacy Manager
Coalition for Smarter Growth