Take Action: Do you want an even better Metro & bus? Take this survey!

Dear friend,

CSG is at the table with leaders from DC, Maryland, and Virginia in “DMVMoves” – an initiative to create an updated transit vision and to (finally!) identify dedicated funding. This is the most important initiative in years to create a world-class regional transit network – with financial stability – for years to come. 

DMV Moves is seeking feedback from you on what would make transit more accessible and better. Fill out the survey by August 4!

Take the survey!

The stakes are high to find a dedicated funding source for Metro and local transit. Metro is on the comeback trail with great frequency and increasing ridership. Metro and local transit are key to access to jobs and helping fight climate change. However, some officials from outside our region insist that Metro needs to cut service.

Join us in the fight to protect and expand fast, frequent, reliable and safe transit service. Please take the survey!

Support transit – take the survey by Aug. 4!

Some important points to emphasize in your responses: 

  • Frequent service is the most important feature of great transit 
  • Bus-only lanes are needed to help people get to work faster 
  • Safer walking and biking access to stations and stops is needed
  • Local governments need to prioritize transit station areas for locating new jobs, housing, and services
  • There is strong support for better transit in the region even if it results in somewhat higher costs – transit/bike/ped funding should be our priority transportation investments. 

By supporting expanded and well-funded transit, you will inspire leaders to fund Metro’s proposed Visionary Bus Network, bus rapid transit plans in Fairfax and Montgomery, complete Maryland’s Purple Line, create dedicate bus lanes, and maintain and operate our world-class Metro system.

Thank you for all you do!