Latest Happenings
CSG comments opposing the townhouse moratorium in Prince George’s County
While we oppose CB 52 as not the right approach, we wish to express our support for the concern expressed in the bill in terms of ensuring residential growth is directed to the right locations. We find the singling out of townhouses for blame unjustified when permissive single family zoning across vast acres outside the beltway “established communities” are the underlying problem. Most of the land outside the beltway is zoned for low density housing, causing growth and additional demand on urban infrastructure, and robbing reinvestment resources from existing communities.
TAKE ACTION: Speak up for homes, and a vibrant Takoma Metro station
The proposed mixed-use development at the Takoma Metro station is a bold proposal, but it has vocal opponents. The project will provide 440 new homes with at least 70 affordable homes and transform a surface parking lot into a vibrant, safer, walkable place with cafes, a plaza, and usable greenspace. It will also provide better bus, walk and bicycle facilities, and control stormwater runoff for the first time.
Event Materials: Friendship Heights walking tour
Thank you to everyone who joined us for our walking tour of Friendship Heights on a beautiful day! Check out the event materials!
Event Materials: Addison Rd-Seat Pleasant walking tour
Thanks to everyone who joined us for our walk around the Addison Road-Seat Pleasant Metro station area. We were fortunate to have a great turnout with an array of public officials and local developers to discuss how the area is on the cusp of more change than we’ve seen since the Metro station opened in 1980.
Testimony: Prince George’s FY24 budget
Continue affordable housing funding, support better buses, implement complete streets CSG-comments-on-PGC-FY24-budget-1Download