Shape the region’s future: volunteer as a Smart Growth Watchdog!

Are you interested in taking your advocacy to the next level by volunteering for CSG? We are excited to introduce our “Smart Growth Watchdogs” volunteer program, and we believe you have what it takes to make a significant impact!

What is the Smart Growth Watchdogs Program?

At CSG, we strive to keep a close eye on land use, transportation, and housing policies across the region. However, with a small team, we often find ourselves stretched thin. There are crucial meetings happening every week, and our staff simply cannot attend them all.

This is where you come in!

As a Smart Growth Watchdog, you will be our eyes and ears on the ground. We will identify meetings that volunteers can attend in lieu of a staff member. All you have to do is pay attention, take notes, and email them to us. 

How Do I Join?

  1. If you weren’t able to attend the training on August 3, 2023, watch the recording to get an understanding of how the program will work
  2. Take a look at our powerpoint slides which has a lot of the information we covered during the training
  3. Once you feel like you’re ready, take our questionnaire to test your understanding
  4. After you’ve completed the questionnaire and gotten all the answers correct, we will add you to the volunteer google group!

If you have any questions, please reach out to!

As always, thanks for all you do!

PC: Marco Sanchez