
Northern Virginia is an economic engine and with smart investments in walkable, inclusive, transit-oriented communities, the region can continue to thrive while reducing traffic and saving open space.

That’s why we support transit communities, revitalization of aging commercial corridors, and transit investments in Fairfax, Arlington, Alexandria, Loudoun, and Prince William.

Yet, some still push for a return to 1950s-style development and an outer beltway that will gobble-up farms and forests, and divert resources from existing transportation needs. That’s why we must also fight for reform in transportation policies at the state level and encourage smart growth policies statewide.

Latest Happenings

Letter: 495 Southside (Oppose, Regional/Fairfax County)

The Coalition for Smarter Growth respectfully asks Transportation Planning board officials to: 1) Vote to exclude the 495 Southside Project from the Visualize 2050 plan and air quality conformity analysis due to the strong concerns of multiple local jurisdictions that have not been adequately addressed by the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT), and 2) Ensure that VDOT fixes its flawed 495 Southside Study to fully evaluate other alternatives, address local jurisdiction concerns, and identify the best long-term solution for the region and communities along 495.

CSG Recommendations for NVTA’s FY24-29 Six-Year Program

The Northern Virginia Transportation Authority (NVTA) is deciding among a range of projects competing for its six-year program of regional funding. CSG provides recommendations and information below to help you comment via NVTA’s feedback form by the close of public comment Sunday, May 19 at 11:59pm.

TAKE ACTION: Help secure funding for good transit, walk, bike & safe streets projects in Northern Virginia

The Northern Virginia Transportation Authority (NVTA) is deciding among a range of projects competing for its six-year program of regional funding. Please comment to support good projects – and oppose using limited public funds on wasteful oversized road projects.
PRESS STATEMENT: Restore Virginia Metro Funding!

PRESS STATEMENT: Restore Virginia Metro Funding!

The groups signing onto this press statement urge the General Assembly to reject Governor Youngkin’s budget amendment and restore the funding the General Assembly agreed to.

NVTC Comments: Research Strategic Plan should address role of land use in supporting transit, including Metro

The Coalition for Smarter Growth is glad to see NVTC developing a Strategic Research Plan and applauds the research to date, such as the Climate Benefits of Transit on your agenda tonight. We ask NVTC to include a robust land use and housing component in its Research plan.