Advocating for walkable, bikeable, inclusive, and transit-oriented communities as the most sustainable and equitable way for the Washington, DC region to grow and provide opportunities for all.

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Event: Tour the future of Oakton + drinks on us! (Oakton, VA)

You’re invited! Join us for a walking tour and happy

Smart Growth Social

Join us for our annual party at Eastern Market! Smart Growth Social, CSG's most popular annual event, is returning to Eastern Market this October! Join us for a celebration of the smart growth movement and the incredible people who champion it.

Latest Happenings

Spending the Stimulus - D.C. Report

Spending the Stimulus – D.C. Report

Our priorities for federal stimulus spending in D.C.
Spending the Stimulus - Virginia Report

Spending the Stimulus – Virginia Report

Our priorities for federal stimulus spending in Virginia

120 Day Stimulus Spending Report – Background Information

The states and the stimulus -- Are they using it to create jobs and a 21st century transportation system?

DC – Support for Giant Rezoning in Ward 3

I am pleased to testify in support of this pedestrian-oriented mixed use redevelopment project. This is a wonderful proposal that is far better than simply replacing an old grocery store with a new one. Thanks to Stop & Shop for making the extra effort to create a truly smart growth project.

Region’s Longest Commutes Show Need for Smart Growth and Transit

Today’s Washington Post (A-1, “A Dubious Distinction: The Longest Ride in the U.S.”) reports on Census Bureau data showing that residents of parts of Prince William and Prince George’s Counties have some of the longest average commutes in the nation. Key issues highlighted in the article: